Friday, June 21, 2013

High Five for Friday | June 21, 2013

Well, as always this post is dominated by fun foods I have tried or even tried to make :)

1. "Cookie dough".
No eggs, no milk, no butter!
It was pretty good although my mom turned up her nose a bit!

My friend referred me to this recipe and it was outstanding!

These are my favorites smoothies and the easiest way to get your greens in!.... or use them up if they have been in the fridge awhile!

4. Photos.
No really!
I have collected pictures of my hubby and I since we first started dating 7 years ago.  I updated the album today with photos from 2011-2013.  Somehow 2009-2010 got lost and I need to find some more photos of those years.  We got engaged in 2009 and married in 2010.. so it shouldn't be too hard.

5. Yoga.
I have gone to yoga *three* times this week.  I tried a "hot yoga" class for the first time...85 degrees in that room I tell ya!  It made me more flexible and hopefully all that extra sweat was for somethin!

Thanks for reading!
Gearing up for a July and August full of boudoir clients.  Did you see my last post that features a video of a boudoir segment on the Today show??

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Boudoir Photography | In the News!

The "TODAY" show recently featured a story on boudoir photography!  A NY photog is featured.  Her business has doubled in the last 2 years.  Mine definitely has taken off over the past year!

See the news video on You Tube by clicking here

As they said.. {I} provide the setting, some props, and a little retouching... and you walk out feeling glamorous!

... and I am definitely not planning on offering any "dude-oir" sessions ;)

Friday, June 7, 2013

Boudoir Client Testamonial | Lewisburg WV Boudoir Photograper

This gorg boudoir beauty came from a few hours away for her session.
Her hubby is going to be *wowed* for their anniversary later this month!
She got her album today and she Love, Love, Loved it! :)

High Five for Friday! | June 7, 2013

1. Recent vacation.
Our friends Em & Cor got married in Jamaica two weekends ago.  We had a *great* time and we loved sharing our vacation with about 40 of her family members and friends!

image via

2. New 5 dollar hair mask!
My favorite fashion/makeup/etc blogger - The small things blog recently reviewed some hair masks.  I am no hair expert nor do I know too much except after Jamaica my hair was a total mess.  I bought this 5 dollar mask at Kroger's and can see a difference with just one use! No more tangles and mess.. woohoo!
images via google images

3. Food share.
This weekend is the first of 22 weeks Forrest and I will be getting a supply of vegetables from a local farm.  I am excited to try out some new things and revamp my eating after all the junk I've had recently.

4. A relaxing weekend.
Phew, after lots of busy times.... this weekend we have few plans.  One photo session Sunday for me and a going away party Saturday.  Otherwise not too much :) Next weekend will be jam packed with 2 boudoirs *and* a wedding!  Excited for both :D

image via google images

5. New lipstick color.
I am all about the coral!

Thanks for visiting :)
I will be posting an online offer for *same day* editing of boudoir sessions later this summer... so go check on my photog FB page!

© Kassandra Olgers Photography

Website Design by CoffeeShop Designs