Friday, February 1, 2013

High five 4 Friday | Feb 1, 2013

1. Go Red for Women is a movement to recognize women && the #1, (NUMBER ONE!) killer which is heart disease.  I work in cardiology as a physician assistant and see every day how women present differently and present later than their male counterparts.  I went to a "Women, Love Your Heart" Luncheon today (american heart assoc said we couldn't use "go red" unless we donated tons of $$!).  We heard two amazing survival stories, one from a woman had an aortic dissection (most patients do not survive as soon as this occurs!) and one woman who had a heart attack at work (in the building adjacent to the hospital nonetheless).  Neither woman fit the bill of your typical heart patient.  The first woman ignored back pain for two years until she finally was diagnosed with the heart problem.  She was a busy mom of 3 and paid  more attention to their needs than her own health.  She is definitely a lucky lady to be here to tell her story today.  She was very witty saying "I'm full of pig parts so I boycott pork!"  The second survivor is a researcher who will use her experience to connect the breech between doctors and researchers.  She had NO risk factors for heart disease and yet still developed a sudden heart attack.  The moral of the story: don't wait, if you experience heart-related symptoms: go see a doctor! (or pa ;)

2. The hope bracelet.  I needed a bit of a pick-me-up a few weeks ago.. and a very best friend of mine sent me this adorable bracelet.  It is rose gold and so simple and dainty.  I love the angel wing and simplicity of the design.  I wear it and remember....."Hope is the little voice you hear whisper maybe when it seems the entire world is screaming never."

3. Forrest went grocery shopping with me late last night!!! If you know me, you know we never do something this simple together.  I can really only remember one other time we did this menial yet essential task together.  I enjoyed it as silly as it sounds (:  He works a lot and works hard to save up for our future house (more to come to the blog soon once we finalize with a contractor for our new place!!).

4.  In the theme of "going red" or wearing red to remember / recognize / raise awareness of women &&  heart disease, I decided to feature my recent favorite wine.  Apothic Red is a blend and is only around ten bucks.  I tried it a wine tasting at Cafe Bacchus last summer.  I didn't expect to see it at Kroger's... then later even at Wal-Mart!  Anyways, I really enjoy it and had a glass earlier tonight while relaxing after a week's work.  Gotta raise that HDL! (good cholesterol)

5. Running.  I somehow convinced Forrest to train for a half marathon for me.  Then I backed out.  Then I jumped back in.  We'll see how it goes... I have been running a few times a week and am trying to increase miles/add endurance/etc and maybe in June I'll run/walk the whole whopping 13.1 miles.  Maybe.

Thanks for reading!!  Enjoy the weekend (:


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